Downtown Tampa
600 Block of Florida Ave
Adams City Hatter
Albertus Hotel and Restaurant at 942 Twiggs Street
Allied Building, 900 Tampa St
Allen Temple A.M.E. Church, 1116 East Scott Street
The Amazon Hose and Rubber Company
Angelo Massari Wholesale Grocer, 201 Fortune Street
Arcade at northwest corner, Nebraska Avenue, and Cass Street
Arlington Building, 1200 block of North Franklin.
Arthur Murray Dance Studio.
Bank of Commerce, 900 Block Franklin St.
Barbour-Ward & Company, 124 South Franklin Street
G. Norman Baughman Company, 301 Florida Ave
Bay View Hotel and Wells Building on Jackson Street (200 block)
Beman-Beckwith Company on southwest corner of 400 Marion Street and Madison Street
Bentley-Gray building, 602 Tampa Street
Bentley-Trezevant Building, 608-610 Florida Avenue
Buelah Baptist Church, 604 East Tyler Street
Buildings on west [east] side of the Hillsborough River, south of the Lafayette Street Bridge
Byars-Forgy, Incorporated building, 105 Twiggs Street
Caldwell Warehouse, 209 S Franklin St
Cameron and Barkley Company, 107 Franklin St.
Carew Avenue (200 block) on east approach to Platt Street Bridge
Cannon Shoe Store, 902 Franklin St.
Cars on the Lafayette Street Bridge
Cass Street Arcade, southeast corner of Cass Street and Florida Avenue
Cass Street Traffic With Bridge And Downtown In Background
Celo Company of America, southeast corner of Pierce and Polk
Central Theatre, 1201-03 Central Avenue
Chandler's Shoe Store, 701 Franklin Street
City Hall, 315 Lafayette St
City Markets Building, southeast corner of Zack and Morgan Streets
C. W. Greene Company, 500 Tampa St
Convent of the Holy Names
Curtis Hixon Hall from across the Hillsborough River
Dedication of Tampa Negro Hospital, 1615 Lamar Avenue
Del Monte Delicatessen, 800 block of Florida Ave
D. F. Owen Company, Ulmer Building, 106 South Franklin
Diana Super Outlet, 509 Franklin St
Downtown skyline and Platt Street Bridge from Davis Islands
D.P. Davis (Davis Islands) Properties office
DeSoto Hotel, 715 Marion Street
Dixie Candy Company, 226 South Franklin Street
Dodd Motor Company, 410 Jackson Street
Economical Drug Store, Curry Building, 817 Franklin Street
Edward’s Motorcycle Co., 706 Twiggs St.
Electric Service Company, 406 Cass Street
Elk's Club, East Madison Street and North Florida Avenue
Elkes Pontiac on [1101]Florida Avenue (1950)
Ernest Maas store, 511 Tampa Street
Equitable Building, 1414 Franklin Street
Exchange National Bank of Tampa, 601 Franklin Street
Falk Building, corner Tampa and Polk Streets
Federal Building, 500 Zack Street
Federal Building, northwest corner of Twiggs Street and Florida Avenue
Federal Building, rear view, at northeast corner of Twiggs and Marion streets
Ferlita Building, 514-516 Franklin Street
Ferman Motor Car Company- southeast corner Jackson Street and Florida Avenue
Ferman Chevrolet Truck Service and Ferman Oldsmobile, 401-409 Washington Street
Ferman Oldsmobile Company, 401 Washington Street
Firestone Service Stores, Inc., 900 East Lafayette Street
First Methodist Church, 1001 Florida Avenue
First National Bank building, 414-416 Franklin St
The First Savings and Trust Company of Tampa, 512 N Franklin St.
Franklin Bank, 1201 Franklin Street
Jose Gaspar ship docks behind Curtis Hixon Hall circa 1965
500 Block of Franklin Street
The Florida Theatre
Gem Cafe and Sam Pooser Real Estate, 800 Block Tampa Street
Franklin Theatre, 710 Franklin Street
General Automotive Supply, 1104 Florida Avenue
Gilbert Hotel and the Almo Cafe and Restaurant, 313 Cass Street
Goody-Goody Sandwich Shop, 1119 Florida Avenue
Gordon Dry Goods Company building housing Brownie's Clothing Store, 1007 Franklin Street
Grayson's Clothing Store- 909 Franklin St
Graham's Sanitary Supplies Store, 604 Nebraska Ave
Groover-Stewart Drug Company, 101 East Tyler Street
Haber's Department Store and Hardy Shoes.
Hampton Building, 713 Franklin Street
Harding's Tires, 1101 Tampa Street
Haverty Furniture Co., 500 Block of Tampa St
Herbert B. Weir Gents Pantorium French Dry Cleaning, 311 Polk St
Hillsboro Hotel, 512 Florida Avenue
Hillsborough County Courthouse
Hollis Brothers Auto Storage, 301 Tampa Street
Holtsinger Motor Company, 1514 Florida Avenue
Holtsinger Motor Company, 1515 Florida Avenue
Hotel Almo and Restaurant at 313 Cass Street
Hotel Knox, 405 Jefferson Street
Hotel Raymond, 106 East Lafayette Street
Hotel Thomas Jefferson, 117 Franklin Street
J. C. Penney Department Store at 800-806 Franklin Street
J. Q. Brantley Company Building, 605 Ashley St
J. R. Mickler Cash Grocer, 1006 Franklin St.
Jackson Block buildings on Franklin Street (600 block)
Jackson Grain Company, at 810 Ashley Street
Johnnie Mandese's Service, 1214 East Cass Street
King's Drug Store, 513 Franklin Street
Knight and Wall Company Building, corner of Lafayette and Tampa Streets
S.H. Kress & Company building
Kress building entrance, 800 block of Florida Avenue
Interior of the Clover Bar Restaurant inside the Kress Department Store
The Lafayette Bridge by Plant Park
The Lafayette Bridge by Plant Park
Lafayette Hotel, 120 Lafayette Street
L. F. M. Store, 800-804 Franklin Street
Lerner Shops, 701 Franklin Street, northeast corner of Zack
Northwest Corner of Franklin and Polk Streets LFM, National Hess, J.C. Penny
Liggett's Drug Store, 615 Franklin Street
Lucas Brothers' building, 100 Madison St
Lucas Building, northeast corner of Tampa and Madison Streets
Lucas Paint Store, 101 South Franklin
Maas Brothers Department Store, 700 Franklin St.
Madison Drug Store, southwest corner of the 500 block of Franklin and Twiggs Streets
Mangel's of Florida, 606 Franklin St
Marine Bank Building, 315 Madison Street,
McCaskill's Store, 1101 Franklin Street
McCrory's 5 and 10 ¢ Store, 715 Franklin Street
O. Falk's Department Store (old) at 716-20 Franklin Street
Merry Togs Children's Wear, 917 North Franklin Street
Metzner Tire Company, Inc., 1145 East Cass Street
Morrisons Cafeteria, 608-610 Florida Ave
Motor Parts Company, southwest corner of Tyler and Morgan streets
National City Bank, 304 Zack St.
O. Falk's Department Store, 716-20 Franklin Street
Old Fort Restaurant On Franklin And Platt Streets
Owen-Joh Tire Co., 501 Jackson Street
Palmetto Tire Company, 200 S Tampa St
The Palladium Ballroom- 205 W Cass Street
Park 'N Shop parking garage at the southeast corner of Polk and Ashley Streets. 1961
Parslow Building, 1006 Florida Avenue
Pecks Drug Store in Central Office Building on southeast corner of Franklin and Cass Streets
Peninsular Telephone Company, corner of Zack (500 block) and Morgan Streets (600 block)
Jack Pendula's Men's Apparel, 501 N Franklin Street
Perry Paint and Glass Company, 109-115 Brush Street
Pittsburgh Plate Glass, northeast corner of Madison and Ashley Streets
Poinsettia Ice Cream Company, southeast corner of Marion and Cass Streets
Pullman Company laundry at 629 12th Street.
Proposed elevated highway along the downtown Hillsborough River- 1945
Packard Tampa Motor Company at 509 Jackson Street
Ray B. Cralle Company, 501 Washington Street
Raybro Electric Supplies, Inc., 812 West Twiggs Street
Ringside Cigar Store, 905 Tampa Street
Reagin-Denton Motor Company Building, 801 Florida Avenue
Rose Garden Cafe and Gary's Millinery, 500 block of Tampa Street
Sacred Heart College and Catholic School, corner of Florida Avenue and Madison Street
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, 509 Florida Ave
The Saratoga Bar and Tampa’s skid row, Upper Franklin St
Schulte-United Building, 305 Cass Street
Sharpe Cadillac used cars 111 East Platt Street
Tampa’s 1958 Snow Show, aChristmas Calamity
Southern Brewing building, Northeast corner of East Zack and North Pierce Streets
Southeast corner of Franklin and Twiggs streets
Swift & Company building, 610 North Ashley Street.
St Andrew's Church, 509 E Twiggs St
St. Paul's A.M.E. Church on northwest corner of Marion and Harrison Streets:
Stovall Office Building at 416 Tampa Street.
Stovall Professional Building at 301-309 Morgan Street
Strand Theatre, 204 Twiggs Street
Tampa Hardware Company, on northwest corner of Polk and Pierce Streets
Tampa Streetcar Track Removal
Travel Lodge East- 1102 E Kennedy Blvd - Northeast corner of Kennedy and Brush Streets
Tampa Theatre marquee
Tampa Tribune Building at 507 Lafayette Street
Tampa Armature Works, 401 South Morgan Street
Tampa Daily Times and Fielder and Mitchell buildings, 100 block of Franklin Street
Tampa Police Department, 300 Florida Avenue, front facade of multi story brick and cut stone building
Tampa Public Library, 900 North Ashley Street
Tarr Furniture Company on 500 block of Tampa Street 1925
Tampa Art Supply, 516 Tampa Street.
Tampa Beach Subdivision Sales Office, 316 Franklin St
Teen Age Hall- 207 Twiggs Street- 1947
Tampa Drug Company, southwest corner of Washington Street and Florida Avenue.
Tampa Electric Company office building, 814 Tampa Street
Tampa Gas Company, southeast corner of Tampa and Madison Streets
Tampa Gas Company factory building on 1300 Lozano Avenue
Tampa Telegraph building, southeast corner of East Lafayette Street.
Tampa Terrace Hotel, northeast corner of Florida Avenue and Lafayette Street
Teapot Dome Auto Storage and Filling Station, 407 Ashley Street
Tribune Building, 500 block of Tampa Street.
Union Station Railroad Depot, 601 Nebraska Avenue
Wallace building
Union Bus Station, 607 Marion Street
United Markets Warehouse, 708 Ashley Street
United Paper Company, 238 South Franklin Street
Val's Corner, northeast corner of Tampa and Lafayette Streets
Vernor's Ginger Ale, looking toward Platt Street Bridge, 211 East Platt Street
Victory Theatre, northwest corner of Tampa and Zack Streets,
Vinson Building, 700 Block of Florida Avenue
Wallace building, northwest corner of Tampa and Twiggs Streets
W. F. S. Building, 501 Franklin Street
Dr. Walkonig's Clinic, 502 Tyler Street
Walgreen Drug Store, 700 block of Franklin Street
Morton Williams Store in the Pettaway Building, 314 Twiggs St
Wolf Brothers Department Store, Franklin St
Worthingstun's Bakery and Allen Hotel, 212-14 Tyler Street
Western Union Building, southeast corner of Marion & Twiggs Streets
Whaley Building, 816 Franklin Street
W.T. Grant Store, 901 Franklin Street
Young Men's Christian Association building at Florida Avenue
Yong Women's Christian Association, 601 Twiggs Street