O. Falk's Department Store at Polk and Franklin Strreets
O. Falk's new building at Polk and Franklin [Street]. 1940. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System
TECO Energy Building, southwest corner of Franklin and Polk Streets, Tampa, FL. 2021. © Chip Weiner
The first Falk’s store was at Cass and Franklin Streets until 1898, when they moved here to Franklin and Polk Streets. Initially a 1-story structure, this building was rehabilitated, adding two additional floors and re-opening on the west side of the third O. Falk’s Department Store, the 5-story building seen in the rear in the photo at Tampa and Polk Streets. The founder, Offin Falk, died in 1941, but his son David was heading up the organization by then. They were proud of their rigid stand against being bought out by a chain. After the University of Tampa bought the Park Theater across Kennedy Boulevard from their campus in 1961, they renamed it after David Falk for his community interest and philanthropy. The store closed in 1970. The building was demolished in 1974 with no immediate plans for its disposition. The 9-story TECO Energy building was constructed in the early 1980s, and the firm remains there today.
From Burgert Brothers: Look Again Vol. 1
O. Falk's [original] Department Store at 716-20 Franklin Street. 1934 Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System
O. Falk's Department Store, Polk and Tampa Street facades- five-story brick store with window displays and banners. 1934. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System.