Tampa Veterinary Hospital, 2517 W. Kennedy Blvd.
A recent sales page for this property states it was built in 1926. In 1940, this property at 309 Memorial Highway was listed as a 7-room house for rent for $60 a month. In the mid-1940s, Mr. and Mrs. Earl N. Musgrave lived here with two sons, one of whom, Forest, was a B-24 pilot in WWII and died in service in 1944.
In 1953, the house was marketed as being perfect as a doctor’s office or a small hospital because the walls, inside and out, were covered in ceramic tile. It also listed a 2-bedroom bungalette in the rear. Dr. M.R Avery and Dr. A.F. Reid moved the Tampa Veterinary Hospital here in August 1955 from their former location downtown.
The street name remained the same until the mid-1950s when the address changed to 2517 Grand Central as the city boundaries changed. In December 1963, the street was renamed Kennedy Blvd in honor of President John F Kennedy, who was assassinated a month earlier in Dallas, Texas. Tampa Veterinary Hospital moved out in 2021 to a new facility at 103 N Howard, two blocks east of this property, and it was sold. A commercial demolition permit to take down both buildings was issued on March 27, 2023.
Front of the former Tampa Veterinary Hospital, with its ceramic mosaic accents. It was constructed in 1929 and was once the residence of a World War II War hero, Lt. Forest M Musgrave, a B-24 Pilot. 2023. © Chip Weiner
Side view of the former Tampa Veterinary Hospital. 2023. © Chip Weiner
Vintage ceramic mosaics like this floral basket over the front door adorn the 1929 Tampa Veterinary Hospital. 2023 © Chip Weiner
Mosaic tile in detail. 2023. © Chip Weiner
The address tile on the front column harkens back to when Kennedy Blvd was Memorial Highway and the hospital was at 309 Memorial Highway. When the street was renamed twice, the address became 2517 Kennedy Blvd. 2023. © Chip Weiner
The front walk of the former Tampa Veterinary Hospital is made of pieces of ceramic tile and lined with colorful mosaic tile. 2023. © Chip Weiner
The kennel was added to the side of the original building. 2023. © Chip Weiner
Bungalette building at the rear of the Tampa Veterinary Hospital. 2023. © Chip Weiner
The electrical meter has been removed in preparation for demolition. 2023. © Chip Weiner